Our mission

Together to beat poverty

No poverty. Imagine how different Wales would be if we had no poverty. Everyone having access to high quality, affordable housing. Able to afford to heat their home properly and afford the food they need to stay healthy. It might sound far-fetched, but at ClwydAlyn we don’t think so. We believe that we can and should aim to make this a reality for as many people as possible. 

Our mission is ambitious, but by working together with external partners, we believe that we can tackle poverty. The current cost of living pressures following on the heels of two years of pandemic, means the stresses and strains faced by everyone are becoming harder to deal with. We have a clear responsibility to our residents and staff to support them through these difficult times. Our mission is more important than ever.

Business Plan animation

We’re so much more than a social housing provider. We make a significant contribution to the North Wales economy both as an employer and as an investor, using as many local companies as possible and maximising the social value of every pound we spend.

The pace of change within the housing sector presents both significant opportunities and challenges. We’re an agile organisation that proactively adapts to change. We challenge thinking and we’re bold and open with our conversations. We are creative and imaginative in overcoming new challenges, finding and maximising new opportunities in our mission to beat poverty, whilst also delivering excellent services for our residents. Our strategy is underpinned by strong financial leadership and management, delivering agreed annual surpluses to invest in our homes and services. We meet our financial covenants, and we deliver value for money.